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I decided to use a category to work-around this issue. Create a class called "CCMoveTo+RoundedUpdate" and add this code:


//  CCMoveTo+RoundedUpdate.h
//	Category to rounded move any object and avoid gaps in tilemap.
//  --> Overrides "update" code from CCIntervalAction.m
//  Created by Markus Barta on 09.02.10.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "cocos2d.h"
@interface CCMoveTo (RoundedUpdate)


//  CCMoveTo+RoundedUpdate.m
//  Created by Markus Barta on 09.02.10.
#import "CCMoveTo+RoundedUpdate.h"

@implementation CCMoveTo (RoundedUpdate)
-(void) update: (ccTime) t
	//NSLog(@"Using category CCMoveTo+RoundedUpdate for movement -> rounded setPosition!");
	[target setPosition: ccp( round(startPosition.x + delta.x * t ), round(startPosition.y + delta.y * t ) )]; //Setting to a rounded pos avoids gaps in tilemap!

Just add those two files to your project and compile. The gaps should be gone :)

Posted by netkorea